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Is There a Female Version of Viagra?
A few years ago, a drug company brought to market a product that changed the sexual lives of millions of men. The product was a drug called Viagra and it was instantly declared nothing less than a miracle by the men who used it. Suddenly, the condition of impotence (or erectile dysfunction, as it has become popularly known) was a thing of the past. With just a single pill popped briefly before a sexual encounter, an older man could have all the virility and stamina he did thirty years prior. And this is to say nothing of those younger men who were stricken with ED early in life, and feared they may never be able to enjoy the full satisfaction of a rich sex life.
In all of this excitement, however, women were forgotten. Yes, here was this miracle drug for men, allowing them to recapture their youth and tout the sex drive and abilities of their younger selves, but women had no counterpart. Perhaps it wasn’t considered important. After all, a woman doesn’t have to reach a certain condition to make sexual intercourse possible. Vaginal dryness can be an issue, but it is easily (if messily) cured with the use of lubricants. What more would be needed?
Women and the Female Version of Viagra
Not everyone forgot the fairer sex, however, in their celebrations of this sexual breakthrough. And not every woman was so willing to lie back and accept the card that fate and menopause had dealt them. With hormones fluctuating, vaginal dryness setting in, and the general fatigue that accompanies getting older, sex was no longer much of a priority for these women. It was debatable how much Viagra was really being used for sexual intercourse by these older men. While they may have captured magic in a bottle, was there really anyone around that wanted to uncork it?
A New Age
With these questions in mind, a product has been developed that attempts to even the playing field, which should come as a delight not only to the women who have been waiting, but to the men who have bottles of unused Viagra gathering dust in the medicine cabinet. The product is called HerSolution, and it is nothing less than a natural, female-version, of Viagra. In fact, it does much more for a woman than Viagra does for a man. Viagra works only through biological means to increase blood flow to the penis. It doesn’t not, in and of itself, create or maintain any sexual desire. But this is exactly what HerSolution does for women. Not only does it restore the body’s natural lubrication, but it imparts energy and powers a lost sexual libido.
If you are a woman who has been waiting for the female equivalent of Viagra, your wait is over. The best part is, no prescription is required. It’s not a drug, but a natural herbal supplement. While repairing your body’s sexual libido, you’ll be experiencing the restoration of energy and spark in all areas of your life. HerSolution could be your solution.